3DPart & Intamsys collaborate with rapid prototyping in most industries!
As hobbyists, entrepreneurs and industries transition and use 3D technology to secure their local production, we help you along the way.
New updates in additive manufacturing come daily with technological advances and innovations that place demands on us as manufacturers and suppliers.
The people in the picture are:
- Intamsys EEMEA Manager (Left)
- Rickard at 3Dpart.se (middle)
- CEO, founder of Intamsys on the right
We help you with prototype manufacturing & production
Do you have a need to secure your local production or are you an entrepreneur and need to test your idea through interactive prototype manufacturing?
We at 3Dpart help you with the entire flow, everything from idea, design proposal and CAD (create your 3D file)
No product manufacturing is too small:
- We help you from the 1st unit to mass production
- If necessary, we participate in your development team with the product development for adaptation of the chosen manufacturing method.